
Dysport is an equivalent form of Botulinum type A toxin and is both safe and effective for reducing wrinkles in the face.  Like Botox, it weakens but does not paralyze the muscles at the injection site.  One ten-minute treatment – a few tiny injections – will relax the muscles that cause lines to form and keep them relaxed for up to four months. At Destinations Medical Spa, we don’t over-treat you. You’ll still look like you…only better!


Botox is an extremely dilute form of Botulinum toxin which weakens but does not paralyze the muscles at the injection site.  It is the number one cosmetic procedure performed in the United States with over 5.6 million treatments performed annually. One ten-minute treatment – a few tiny injections – will relax the muscles that cause lines to form and keep them relaxed for up to four months. At Destinations Medical Spa, we don’t over-treat you. You’ll still look like you…only better!

Key Procedures:

Glabella or 11’s

  • The Glabella is formed by the activation of the Procerus and Corrugator Supercilli. When contracted these muscles create the frown lines that convey anger or frustration. Neurotoxin injections relax these muscles to give the patient a more relaxed look.


Crow’s Feet or Smile Lines

  • A few units of Neurotoxin are injected into the Orbicularis Oculi or circular muscles around the eyes. Botox relaxes these muscles allowing the fine lines that form at the edges of the eyes when you smile to disappear.


Brow Lift

  • The frontalis muscle in the forehead and strong muscles between and around the eyes (procerus, corrugator supercilii, and orbicularis oculi) pull against one another to create the brow’s natural contour.

  • Neurotoxin injections into the muscles that pull the brow down leave the forehead (frontalis) unopposed and this gives the brow a slight lift accentuating the beautiful arch of the eyebrows.


Bunny lines

  • Bunny lines are formed by the contraction of the nasalis. This is a sphincter-like muscle on either side of the nose that functions to compress the nasal cartilage. Neurotoxin weakens and relaxes these muscles allowing the wrinkles that form on either side of the nose when you smile to disappear. 

Smoker’s Lines

  • Smoker’s lines are formed by contraction of the Orbicularis Oris or the circular complex of muscles that make up the lips and muscles around the mouth.

  • Neurotoxin relaxes this muscle allowing these lines to fade or disappear entirely.


Lip flip

  • Neurotoxin injections at the Vermillion border or, the sharp demarcation between the lip and adjacent skin, relax the muscle around the mouth. This allows the top lip to gently “roll out” creating the illusion of more volume.

  • It also relaxes the Cupid’s bow allowing it to pull slightly upward and to add an additional volumizing effect to the lips.


Facial slimming

  • The masseters are the powerful muscles at the angle of the jaw that aid in chewing and, when defined, giving the jaw a more strong chiseled look. However, in some cases the masseters can become over developed giving the face a prominent square shape.

  • Neurotoxin is also used for facial slimming by weakening these muscles to give the jaw a more tapered appearance. Injections are placed into the belly of the muscle which then weakens them and allows just enough atrophy to increase their aesthetic appeal.

Nuerotoxin for TMJ & Lockjaw

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is formed by the meeting of the jawbone with the skull and is operated by the powerful masseter muscles used for chewing.  This joint can develop pain from overuse or grinding of the teeth at night and, when this happens, can lead to sharp pain and/or migraine headaches.  Botox relieves these symptoms by relaxing these muscles.  Most patients experience relief within a day or two of their first treatment.  

Neurotoxin for Hyperhydrosis

Perspiration is one of the mechanisms our body uses to maintain a constant temperature. When the body’s temperature rises nerve endings in the skin release a neurotransmitter (chemical messenger) called acetylcholine which stimulates secretion of the sweat glands. Hyperhidrosis, however, is a syndrome in which this mechanism is overly active.  

It can be uncomfortable for patients and socially awkward as hyperhidrosis tends to affect the axilla (under the arms) or the palms. Neurotoxin blocks the nerve endings that stimulate these glands, making it an effective treatment! Several units are injected into the target area and effects typically last about nine months.

Neurotoxin for Migrane

Headaches can be painful to the point of being disabling and are divided into three main types; migraine, tension, and chronic daily headaches.  Migraines affect 18% of women and 6% of men. Patients complain of a severe throbbing that is often associated with nausea, vomiting and/or sensitivity to light and noise. Tension headaches are milder but can still be disabling while chronic daily headaches are defined as 15 days of headache per month.

Neurotoxins are highly effective for patients with disabling headaches or patients who have failed conventional treatments.  It is injected around the scalp in a hatband distribution and patients report significant relief that lasts about three and a half months.